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Abdominal breathing is an important part of achieving life balance.
"With the right support,
we can achieve amazing things
on multiple levels.
Mentally, physically and spiritually."​


Personal coaching

John Christian offers insightful one-one-one personal life coaching sessions.

Do you feel you need an in-depth and serious assessment of where you are in life, your relationship, your career or maybe even your location? Life balance coaching sessions focus powerfully on you having clarity. And it's with clarity that you will be able to map the path to achieving the results you deserve.

Life balance coaching is available in a number of ways:

- a single session, or as many as you need in order to find your best way forward.

- Online or face-to-face. As John teaches and coaches in many different locations, just email to find out when he will next be in your area.

  • Build self-trust and self-confidence  
  • Learn how to manage change effectively 

  • Trust in your intuitive intelligence 

  • Become skilled at the art of relationships

  • Understand the process of manifesting 

  • Let your Yes mean Yes and Your No mean No

  • Establish balance in mind, body and spirit

  • Be a magnet for success

A group workshop with John Christian to build self-trust & establish a work/life balance.

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Book a free exploratory session

If you would like to overcome destructive belief patterns, self-imposed limitations and feelings of depression, life balance coaching is a first step towards postive self care. Take your next step to happiness... contact John Christian today.

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