Welcome to
Skills For Life Balance
Training Programme
This programme has been developed to help you achieve a healthier work/life balance and manage your stress and anxiety better.
Going through these 10 Modules will help you to realise your potential, to become more creative, improve your self-confidence and ultimately, to have a more relaxed lifestyle that makes you feel more satisfied and happier.
In Skilled Hands
The courses are led by John Christian, who brings his extensive knowledge and experience gained from a long and diverse career in the entertainment industry, his many years of coaching and workshops, along with his popular public speaking and presenting training. John shares his tried and tested formula for a fulfilling career, sustainable well-being and a happy life.
John’s unique blend of warmth and humour means he brings approach brings authenticity and joy to every platform and environment in which he works, whether it’s business management, life coaching or his ongoing acting career.
John's positive communication and intuitive skills have grown through his extensive travels, and his teaching incorporates the best of western and eastern philosophies for business, work and life and his particular style of training reaches deep and gets empowering results as he fundamentally committed to nurturing mind, body and spirit in order to achieve lasting work/life balance.
A Personal Approach
John has a wide range of expertise in the field of personal development and life skills coaching. Some of these are the result of his own life experiences, others have been learned from international mentors. Convinced of the role intuition plays in our lives, he uses the skills he has mastered to understand what is required for everyone to become the best they can be and reach their full potential.
John will help you to:
Increase your self-esteem
Understand and manage your emotions
Develop confident communication
Improve your presentation skills
Establish great relationship rapport
Find inner peace and mindfulness
Tune into intuitive intelligence
The creative powers of Love & Fear
Clarify your values and your ideals
Why You Should Work With John?
“As an actor and entertainer, I learned from an early age to feel the fear and do it anyway. Each time I took that leap of faith I learned how to control those fearful moments of uncertainty that we have all felt at some time. The thought of speaking in public can strike horror in the bones and some people find even speaking among friends difficult.
Fear is emotionally and physically debilitating but it shouldn’t hold us back from achieving our potential. Drawing on my experiences, I help you move beyond your fears and emotional and mental instabilities and put you in the driving seat so you can steer their thoughts in a positive direction..
When you establish the right relationship between mind, body and spirit tour vitality increases and we:
Make wiser decisions about your future
Eliminate fear, stress and worry
Break destructive and limiting habits
Make better decisions around health and wellbeing
Create balance in your lives
About The Programme
Thus online course consists of 10 Modules are designed to help draw out the best in you and enable you to live the healthy, happy and balanced lifestyle you choose.
Each module is a one hour session, via a digital platform, in which John personally guides you through a powerful step by step process to transformation and empowerment.
After the course you will be able to:
Be master of yourself and your environment
Feel less concerned about other people’s opinions of you
Make conscious choices over your emotional responses
Effectively manage change and make clearer decisions
Skills For Life Balance - 10 Modules
Online Training
10 one-hour modules
John Christian
Looking for new beginnings
You will start with a self-awareness exercise using guided reflection so that you can have a clearer understanding of the undermining aspects that you need to work on.
From this first module, you will have a whole new perspective, a greater awareness and the ability to make clearer decisions based on listening to your intuition and trusting your intuitive promptings.
Taking control of your inner-world
Learning about the effects of your thinking on your sympathetic and para-sympathetic central nervous systems. When you take control you have greater self-trust and self-reliance, which gives you more independence and makes you less susceptible to other people's thoughts and opinions, including your own.
Understanding the functions of consciousness
How to tune your mind and your body to be an instrument for understanding using your intuition as a higher faculty of your intelligence. This will be achieved by guided exercises by John, using simple visualisation, proper breathing and proven meditation techniques for calming and stilling your mind.
Mastering your creative spiral
Identifying your thought processes that deplete your energy and are the source your life’s highs and lows to recognise how your thinking affects all areas in your life and how it undermines your self-trust and your self-esteem.
You can then, be creative and manifest the healthier, happier and more balanced lifestyle you truly want.
Managing your emotional responses
Discovering how to lift the lid off and examine your beliefs systems that trigger your emotional responses and victim consciousness.
Through a nine-step process of analysis you will be more aware of how to make conscious choices over your emotional responses.
Learning your dream language
Teaching yourself through dreams
Understanding your dream state
Realise the importance of the language of dreams in your life, and why dreams are often symbolic and even prophetic.
By establishing a dream journal for recording, analysing and interpreting your dream you can benefit from the continued learning, through your deeper unconscious.
You can understand how dreams are helping you to become more conscious of the teachings in your dream state and their important relationship to your everyday life
Become aware of the value and importance of learning from your dream state
How to benefit from the communications from your inner
Practising methods to decipher
Take notice if how you speak to yourself in your sleep and by being a conscious
Deciphering symbolic language dream symbols and interpret your dreams stories for a better understanding of how you continue to learn, in your dreams state.
Quicken your own learning process to become more conscious and effective in life.
Take notice focus of how you are constantly learning in your dream state
You will be able to apply the meaning of dreams to awaken you to your potential lessons in life
The dream school at night where we relay the day possibility of
be less confused and have more clarity
Understand the meaning of dreams to awaken you to your lessons in life and how to relate to them and deal with them.
Experiencing ways to cause change
You can discover Seven Golden Keys to transformation by learning to sense the seven primary centres of vitality in your body. In eastern traditions these are known as chakra system and we will examine and practice taking 7 steps, that can help you to experience fundamental change in yourself and your life.
Looking in the mirror
Making a list of people of influence that you admire and most aspire to, leads you to think about others and to take note of the characters that come into your life.
By considering your interaction with them you can learn from about yourself and how you are developing your own character and understanding the deeper meaning and results of your personality.
Reflecting on your progress
In this module you can consider an overview of your progress and assess and analyse what you have learned in the course so far and you can implement your learning, into your work and life as you move ahead in the future.
Moving knowing into doing
Clarifying your intentions and ideals for moving forward in your self-transformation, can give you a clear plan of the disciplines you need to keep applying, in order to establish your ideals.
You can become master of yourself and your environment as you progressively learn to manage change and create on-going support systems that help you maintain your progress.
When you have finished this course
You can continue to work with John and receive special bonuses if you wish to make more progress and create more transformation in your business, work and life.
Contact John to have a FREE call and find out what your next options are and to find out how you can maintain your success and happiness.